Faith in Trees

Plastic Recycling

Plastic Recycling

Plastic recycling is the processing of plastic waste into other products. Recycling can reduce dependence on landfills, conserve resources and protect the environment from plastic pollution and greenhouse gases emissions.

Uganda produces 600 tons of plastic daily according to the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) and less than 10% of this waste is collected and recycled. Waste management is not perceived by many Ugandans as important, almost as if we are not aware of the negative impacts of plastics on our environment tied with the lack of appreciation for plastic recycling.

According to United Nations Development Program, only 9% of the plastic waste generated globally is recycled with a whopping 79% ending up in the landfills, nature. This means a great deal of our animals are affected, our soils are affected, our oceans are affected and as the people are affected.

Faith in Trees decided to use the unfortunate advantage of abundant plastic waste material availability in the environment by using it to produce furniture with our lead product being the eco desk (Boom desk). We also make the eco ruler (Boom ruler), eco dustbins (Boom dustbins), and eco clocks (Boom clocks).

School desks are typically made using wood, meaning millions of trees are being cut down so our children can have convenient study places. Why not take advantage of the plastic wastes manipulated and upcycled into beautiful products and save our beautiful trees to serve a more deserved purpose.

With every boom desk, we are saving 10kg of plastics from ending up in the landfill. This is a very educational initiative, and it teaches the children we work with too that we can innovate our way into saving the mighty trees.
